This guide below is all about attributes, statistics and numbers that help your character in-game get stronger and more adaptable to certain environments. If you find any information lacking you are more than welcome to jump in by posting a comment below.
This guide will also tell you what the main and off-stats are recommended for all four main callings. Hopefully you will find it helpful when choosing your equipment.
- How to view your attributes
- Major attributes
- Attributes explained
- Cleric stats
- Mage stats
- Rogue stats
- Warrior stats
How to View Your Attributes

Your Options Menu
Top-left button: Character View

Attribute View
- Press the hotkey “C” or the Character Button in your group of menu button at the bottom left of your default UI setup.
- The Character View will show up, press “Stats” in the bottom menu selection under your character’s name and details.
- This view now shows your character’s current Attributes.
Major Attributes
1. Health
Health (Hitpoints, HP) is the bread of all characters. When it reaches zero, you will die.
2. Mana
For Mages and Clerics, this statistic gives you the ability to cast spells.
3. Energy
For Rogues and Warriors, this Attribute gives the player the energy to execute a physical attack
4. Charge
Built up over casting spells and using abilities, this can be spent on separate spells that do not use mana.
Attributes Explained
Attribute | Simple Explanation | Suitable Focus | Complex Explanation |
Strength | Increases Attack Power Increases Block Increases Parry Increases Physical Crit |
Melee DPS | 1pt = 1pt Attack Power 1pt = 1pt Block 1pt = 1.5 Parry 1pt = 0.4pt Physical Crit |
Intelligence | Increases Spell Power Increases Spell Crit Increases Maximum Mana |
Mages & Mana-Based DPS | 1pt = 1pt Spell Power 1pt = 0.5pt Spell Crit 1pt = 10 Max Mana |
Wisdom | Inceases: Spell Crit Inceases: Mana Regen |
Healing-Based | 1pt = 0.5pt Spell Crit 1pt = 1.5 Mp10 |
Dexterity | Increases: Physical Crit Increases: Dodge, Increases: Parry |
Rogues & Focus on Avoiding damage | 1pt = 0.5pt Physical Crit 1pt = 1pt Dodge 1pt = 0.4pt Parry |
Endurance | Increases: Health | Core Attribute | 1pt = +9 Max Health |
Armor | Reduces: Damage | Core Attribute | 1pt = 0.017% Reduction in all Damage |
Valor | Reduces PvP Damage | Player Vs Player | 1pt = ? |
Toughness | Reduces PvE Critical Strikes | Tank Damage Reduction | 1pt = ? |
Life Resist | Reduces Life Damage Increase chance to resist life spells |
Useful with Planar Creatures | 1pt = 0.05% Life damage Reduction 1pt = 0.1% Chance to resist |
Death Resist | Reduces Death Damage Increase chance to resist Death spells |
Useful with Planar Creatures | 1pt = 0.05% Death damage Reduction 1pt = 0.1% Chance to resist |
Fire Resist | Reduces Fire Damage Increase chance to resist Fire spells |
Useful with Planar Creatures | 1pt = 0.05% Fire damage Reduction 1pt = 0.1% Chance to resist |
Water Resist | Reduces Water Damage Increase chance to Water life spells |
Useful with Planar Creatures | 1pt = 0.05% Water damage Reduction 1pt = 0.1% Chance to resist |
Earth Resist | Reduces Earth Damage Increase chance to resist Earth spells |
Useful with Planar Creatures | 1pt = 0.05% Earth damage Reduction 1pt = 0.1% Chance to resist |
Air Resist | Reduces Air Damage Increase chance to resist Air spells |
Useful with Planar Creatures | 1pt = 0.05% Air damage Reduction 1pt = 0.1% Chance to resist |
Attack Power | Increases Physical DPS | Physical DPS souls. | 1pt = +0.1 Physical DPS |
Physical Crit | Increase chance to Critical hit. | Physical DPS souls. | 1pt = +0.41% Chance of Critical Hit |
Hit | Increase chance to land physical Damage | Physical DPS Souls | 1pt = +0.01% to physically hit the target |
Dodge | Increases chance of dodge an attack | Avoidance based playing | 1pt = +0.024% chance to dodge an attack |
Parry | Increase chance to parry a physical attack | Avoidance based playing | 1pt = +0.28% chance to parry an attack |
Block | Increase chance to block physical attacks Increase amount of damage absorbed from blocks |
Tanking | 1pt = ~+0.08% 1pt = ~+0.23% |
Spell Power | Increase Spell based DPS | Mana Based DPS | 1pt = +0.2 DPS |
Spell Crit | Increase Spell Based Critical Strikes | Mana Based DPS | 1pt = +0.04% chance to Critical Hit |
Focus | Reduce Resistance | 1pt = -1% chance for spell to be resisted |
Source: ZAM Rift Wiki
Cleric Stats
There is a very wide range of rift cleric stats, however it is important you avoid those of which are completely useless to your character. Currently, we have Dexterity, Endurance, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Strength. However, there are several other stats as well such as spell power, attack power, armor, hit rating, etc, which we will get into later in the rift cleric stats guide.
Rift Cleric Stats #1 – Wisdom
Wisdom is used for the Cleric’s mana regen, this should be heavily stacked for any healing cleric, and avoided completely for the melee dps and tanks. A little bit is okay for the caster DPS, but you shouldn’t sacrifice other stats which are better.
Rift Cleric Stats #2 – Intelligence
Intelligence is good stat for healing and caster dps clerics as it will increase the heals of the healer and the damage of the dps. Also, it provides a increase to maximum mana which is a great help for both roles. On top of all that there is even a crit rate bonus, which again, great for both roles.
Rift Cleric Stats #3 – Endurance
This is the absolute best stat for Cleric tanks, they receive a large bonus for each point of endurance (80%) so if you choose to tank as a Cleric you will want to stack this as much as possible. For other roles it isn’t very important, and other stats will be much better to help increase your character’s damage or healing.
We won’t get into Strength or Dexterity, as they won’t be used in many situations as a Cleric. We still have the secondary stats which we need to discuss however, so let’s get to that.
Rift Cleric Stats #4 – Spell Power
Very important stat for any role, it will increase healing, caster dps, and this may be a surprise but even melee dps. Clerics are able to convert their spell power into attack power, making spell power the thing to stack even for melee DPS.
Rift Cleric Stats #5 – Crit Rating
Pretty simple stat, it will increase the rate at which you score a critical strike. Useful mainly for dps roles, but heals can crit too, so it’s not a bad thing to have some crit as a healing role.
Rift Cleric Stats #6 – Hit Rating
Very useful for the cleric endgame, you’ll want to reach the hit cap as soon as you can once you have hit level 50. The hit cap is not known yet, but the information should be available when Rift is released.
There you are, we’ve covered the most important stats for the Rift Cleric and it’s time for you to start equipping your character accordingly.
Mage Stats
There is a very wide range of rift mage stats, however it is important you avoid those of which are completely useless to your character. Currently, we have Dexterity, Endurance, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Strength. However, there are several other stats as well such as spell power, attack power, armor, hit rating, etc, which we will get into later in the rift mage stats guide.
Rift Mage Stats #1 – Wisdom
Okay, the first rift mage stat we will discuss is Wisdom, this stat will increase your characters mana regen as well as spell critical strike chance. It should be noted that the crit bonus is equal to that of the intelligence stat’s crit bonus.
In rift, most mages are really not going to need a whole lot of mana regen, which makes Wisdom a lower priority statwise. The reason being is that mages are going to have some sort of mana regenerating ability already such as the Warlock soul’s Sacrifice Life: Mana, or the Necromancer’s Consumption, the Dominator’s Mana Wrench, and even the Elementalist has an ability for mana regen, Channel Elements.
It’s always good to have a little bit of extra mana regen so you aren’t using an extra ability in your rotation to regain your mana, however, it really isn’t that big of a deal to throw in an extra ability here and there if you’re gaining better stats because of it.
Rift Mage Stats #2 – Endurance
Secondly we will discuss the Endurance stat, which increases the max health of your character. For raiding you definitely will not want to be stacking endurance, you’re going to be at a good range from the fight most likely and won’t be taking much damage so you will want to make sure you have your stats more based on damage dealing or mana regen abilities.
You may however want to worry about it if you choose to PvP, you don’t want to go into a PvP situation with harldly any endurance as you will be focus faster than anyone else and it isn’t going to be a whole lot of fun. So it’s good to have separate sets of gear you can switch out when going from PvE to PvP.
Rift Mage Stats #3 – Intelligence
So I’ve talked a lot about reasons why you shouldn’t need to stack the above two stats, but there’s good news, you SHOULD stack intelligence. This is the best of the rift mage stats, you should make your decisions on gear based on if it has more intelligence than other stats. If you’re wondering why, it’s because intelligence not only increases your maximum mana, and not only does it increase your spell power on top of that, it also increases the crit rate.
So with intelligence you’re getting all of the above 3 boosts to your mage which are all great for any situation, but there’s something else to look into with it. Since your max mana is going to be higher, it will also cause mana regen spells we talked about earlier to regen more mana, making the need for Wisdom even less if you have more Intelligence.
Now, we aren’t going to discuss Strength or Dexterity as they are completely useless to the mage and should be avoided altogether, but we still need to cover those other stats such as spell power and attack power we talked about earlier.
Rift Mage Off-Stat #1 – Spell Power
As you may have guessed you will want to stack a LOT of spell power, it is one of the most important rift mage stats you will use. However, spell power seems to not be on much armor currently but mainly focused on the weapons, this may change endgame or it may not. Possibly later armor enchants will be available for spell power as well.
As we said earlier Intelligence also increases spell power, so purchasing or obtaining items that have a lot of intelligence as well as spell power will greatly increase your damage.
Rift Mage Off-Stat #2 – Spell Crit
Crit is something we also talked about earlier, basically it is used to increase your crit chance, so the more spell crit you obtain on your items the higher chance you will have of scoring a critical strike. It’s important to get a lot of this, more or less depending on your soul, however, you don’t want to get too much crit if you’re going to be sacrificing a lot of intelligence or spell power.
Rift Mage Off-Stat #3 – Focus
In a nutshell, focus is your hit rating, which is very important endgame. We don’t have the hit cap for level 50 yet but when the game is fully released your first priority at level 50 will most likely be the hit cap, and make sure you never go over the hit cap because it is completely wasted stats.
Rogue Stats
There is a very wide range of rift rogue stats, however it is important you avoid those of which are completely useless to your character. Currently, we have Dexterity, Endurance, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Strength. However, there are several other stats as well such as spell power, attack power, armor, hit rating, etc, which we will get into later in the rift rogue stats guide.
Rift Rogue Stats #1 – Strength
Strength is a decent rogue stat, it increases the Rogue’s attack power and crit rate which is two great things for DPS rogues, you won’t need much if this if you’re going to tank however some is recommended to help keep threat.
Rift Rogue Stats #2 – Dexterity
Dexterity is the top rogue stat, for rogues, it increases crit rate, attack power, dodge rate, as well as parry rate. Therefore the Dexterity stat is useful for both DPS and tank rogues, stacking dexterity is a must in any situation and you should never give up dexterity for strength in any instance.
Rift Rogue Stats #3 – Endurance
Endurance is used to increase your maximum amount of hit points, therefore it’s useful for tanks and is good to have in PvP, but you should NOT be stacking this completely if you’re tanking. Dexterity adds a lot for tanks and you should be stacking both of these, as for DPS you shouldn’t really worry too much about endurance.
We won’t cover Wisdom or Intelligence as they’re pretty much useless to the rogue and should be avoided. However we still have a few more secondary stats we will discuss that are in-fact very useful to the rogue.
Rift Rogue Stats #4 – Attack Power
Often referred to as “AP” attack power is very useful for rogues, it will increase their base damage which makes it a must-have for DPS rogues, also tanks can use it to help keep threat on enemies.
Rift Rogue Stats #5 – Physical Hit
Hit rating is very important in any MMORPG endgame. As soon as you’ve hit level 50 you will want to begin working on reaching the hit cap, it is not known currently what the hit cap will be but the information will be available when the game is released. Also, make sure you do not exceed the hit cap because that is a complete waste of stats.
Rift Rogue Stats #6 – Physical Crit
Pretty simple, increases your crit rate. This is a pretty great stat for rogues, and pretty equivalent to attack power. You’ll be hitting very quickly as a rogue and if your attacks are critting you’ll be doing a very heavy amount of damage in a short period of time. Crit chance should be stacked, but it’s important to not get too much crit to where it’s becoming a waste.
Rift Rogue Stats #7 – Dodge and Parry
Although they are both different stats, I’ve categorized them as one. They both basically do the same thing, avoid an attack. They’re great for tanks but should be avoided for any other role you may be playing.
Warrior Stats
There is a very wide range of rift warrior stats, however it is important you avoid those of which are completely useless to your character. Currently, we have Dexterity, Endurance, Wisdom, Intelligence, and Strength. However, there are several other stats as well such as spell power, attack power, armor, hit rating, etc, which we will get into later in the rift warrior stats guide.
Rift Warrior Stats #1 – Strength
Probably the best stat for the warrior in rift is strength, it gives you increased attack power, crit rate, as well as block and parry. Stacking strength is an excellent idea for any warrior.
Rift Warrior Stats #2 – Endurance
A great tanking stat for warriors is endurance, this stat will increase your health, however that’s really all there is to it so endurance should be avoided for the most part unless you are doing PvP or tanking.
Rift Warrior Stats #3 – Dexterity
The Dexterity skill, like Endurance, is more of a tanky type skill. It focuses on increases to dodge and parry while adding a small amount of crit rate, therefore you shouldn’t really use dexterity in a situation other than tanking. Possibly used in PvP but you’d be better off with strength stats honestly.
We are not going to discuss Intelligence or Wisdom as they are both completely useless to the warrior class and should be avoided no matter what. We will however go into those off-stats which we talked about at the beginning.
Rift Warrior Stats #4 – Attack Power
Often referred to as “AP” attack power focuses mainly on maximizing your warrior’s damage, it provides a boost to your physical DPS.
Rift Warrior Stats #5 – Armor
As you may have guessed Armor is used to reduce the amount of damage you receive, this makes armor very useful to takes and not very useful in any other situation except maybe PvP. If you choose the tank route, get a lot of armor, if not, try to avoid it.
Rift Warrior Stats #6 – Physical Crit
Basically a critical strike chance increase, very important to warriors as they deal a high amount of damage at slower rates, so critting helps out a lot. If your DPSing stack a LOT of crit, tanks don’t need to worry about it as much.
Rift Warrior Stats #7 – Dodge and Parry
I’ve categorized these under the same number, although they are two different stats. They both basically do the same thing, avoid an attack, it’s good to stack more Parry as you seem to get more parry than you do dodge.
Rift Warrior Stats #8 – Hit
Very important stat to any class endgame, you will want to reach the hit cap before anything else when you reach level 50. We don’t know what the hit cap will be yet but it’s very important to find out as soon as possible when the game is released.
There you have it, we’ve covered all of the important Rift Warrior Stats and you’ve got all the information you need to start building your character efficiently.
The bit about melee and cleric tanks completely avoiding wisdom is very wrong. Wisdom gives SP which melee clerics convert to AP. Tank clerics also convert SP to Block and Parry.
This is wrong when it comes to crit. 1 point of crit adds about 0.04% to your chance to crit.
The armor cannot possibly be right, since using a linear scale for defense will always result in a hard cap of 0 damage taken every time. It’s most likely logarithmic.
By the values you give, a little under 6000 Armor would result in 0 damage taken at all times.
All i have to say it wow … no wonder so many people in RIFT have no clue what their main stat is. Reading this, I couldnt help but wonder where you get the BS your trying to pawn off as facts.
1 – Wisdom does nothing for mages but Mana regen and Spell power ( 4 Wisdom = 1 Spell power ) Where do you find this BS about Crit from wisdom ?
2 – Strength for Rogues is nothing more than an AP buff. Where the hell did you find Crit rating from STR ?
Your priorities are all out of whack. Maybe buy the game and try it before you post your BS, trying to pass it off as FACTS.